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Lowe's Pet Motel
& Grooming



Celebrating 31 Years of Serving the Pet Community


Lowe's Pet Motel & Grooming  offers boarding as well as grooming services  for your pets. We live on site and are never far away from our guests. Our facility is surrounded on all sides by 6 ft. privacy fencing. Your dog's run is secured on all sides to deter those prone to climbing from going over the top. A clip is used on all run gates to prevent even the most clever dog from escaping. Our property is closed off to the public by a six foot security gate that is padlocked during our closed periods.  



1. Indoor/Outdoor Kennel area.



 The indoor/outdoor offers each animal a 4' by 4' area on the inside with a passageway to a 4' by 20' run outside. The inside area is heated and cooled. The outside run is covered to provide shade, shelter, and security.






 2. Pampered Pet Suites 



The Pampered Pet Suite is a luxury accommodation for that special canine. These suites have everything to make your pet feel like they are in a 5 Star Hotel. Each suite has its own theme and includes amenities found in your own home, such as T.V., Music, Designer Beds with fresh linens, a Toy Box, and much, much more. Your pet will also get multiple play times during the day. We can't wait for your pet to enjoy this extra-ordinary aspect of Lowe's Pet Motel & Suites.                            


  3. Dog Day Care


Doggy day care is available by appointment only and pets must be dropped off and picked up within our operating hours.









SHOT RECORDS - Must be up to date! Due to the increasing illnesses in the community we require that all vaccinations are given at least 3 days before boarding. We will not accept vaccinations given by the owner. You will need to bring a current copy of the following vaccinations on a print out form from a veterinarian's office or email them to us:


Rabies required every year unless the Rabies Certificate
states that the vaccination is a three year vaccine.

  **City License** If you live in the Wichita Falls City Limits, you are required to purchase a city license from Wichita Falls Animal Services or a participating veterinarian. This requirement is now being enforced in our inspections by the city. If you live outside of the city limits you are not required to purchase one.


Parvo/Distemper Combo or DHPPV” or "DA2PPV" or "DA2PP"
required every year, until discontinued by your veterinarian.


Bordetella* every 6 months for the nasal or oral;
once a year for the injectable vaccination.

*Dogs receiving the nasal or oral Bordetella vaccine

can not have received it within 3 days of their boarding date.

We would prefer to have you sign a one time waiver

than risk a small percentage shedding of the live virus. 



For more information about vaccinations click on the link below,

then click on vaccine guidelines and proceed to pages 6 and 7. 


AAHA Vaccination Guidelines



FOOD - All pet owners are required to provide their own food. For more information as to our reasons for this policy click here . There has been a change in the Health Dept. requirements for dog food storage in a kennel. All food must be in a sealable, rubbermaid, or metal type container with a lid. Do not send food in paper bags or loose in a plastic grocery or garbage bag. Please no breakable cups, scoops, or bowls. We will no longer feed half of a full size can of food. You will need to provide a small can if you wish your dog to have a small amount of can at each feeding, daily. Treats are welcomed.

Toys and bedding are allowed. We highly recommend older disposable bedding. Some dogs are persistant in sharing and shredding. All toys and bedding left with your pet are left at your own risk. Lowe's Pet Motel will not be responsible for any damage or loss during your pets stay. All bedding must be clean and free of parasites. Pets will be checked for fleas and ticks at time of check-in. If your pet has fleas or ticks they will be dipped at the owners expense before entering the kennel. We guarantee your pet will go home insect free. Please let us know if you feel that your pet left our facility with pests they did not arrive with. We will take care of them. If you would like for your dog to be groomed before he or she goes home be sure to share that information at the time of your reservation. This would be your best way to guarantee an insect free exit.


We always operate by reservations so be sure to contact us by E-mail, website, or phone.  

Lowe's Pet Motel & Grooming is privately owned and operated and reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.